Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Glenn Follow-up appointment

Colby had his follow up appointment with his surgeon today, and it went well. Dr. Christian told us that he looks really good, which we always love to hear! She even took him off of his Lasix. We are always happy to eliminate a syringe from the daily medicine. His blood pressure is still a little high, so we will keep him on the same dose of his Enalapril for now. The other medicines will stay the same as well.

After seeing Dr. Christian, we went down for an ultrasound of Colby's leg to check on the blood clot that formed post Glenn. We haven't gotten any official word from the doctor yet, but the sonographer did tell us that we will be getting very good news. I am hoping that the news will be no more Lovenox shots.

Colby drinking his first "Super Shake"
Ingredients: Heavy Whipping Cream, Peanut Butter, Chocolate Syrup, Chocolate Ice Cream


Wayne said...

I wonder if he would share? :-)

The Rietkerk's said...

Yay, great news.

The Clinkscales Family said...

Wow! What a "super" drink!! His pictures are adorable.