Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Doughnuts with Dad

On Friday, Brody's school held a "Doughnuts with Dad." All of the dads were invited to come and eat doughnuts and drink juice with their kids. Brody was so excited to ride to school with Jason that morning, and he LOVED having him there in his classroom eating breakfast.

Brody's teacher, Ms. Marianne, helped all of the kids complete these "What I know about my daddy" papers, and she displayed them on the wall for everyone to read. Brody actually knows more about Jason than I expected him to. I think he might have been the only one in his class to get his age correct. Some of the dads were in their teens and some were in there 70's. Of course, I think Jason definitely weighs the least according to Brody...33 pounds! Needless to say, these were very entertaining to read!! This is one of those papers that I will want to keep forever!

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