Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Back to Normal

We are happy to report that Colby has been doing great since late yesterday afternoon. It is very strange. This was either the shortest case of a stomach bug ever (lasting only a few hours)or it was just a very bad reaction to the formula we put in his bottle. Jason and I are really thinking it may be the formula. It just seems strange that he was back to normal as soon as he had thrown up all of the formula he had consumed. Either way, we are just glad that he is better!

To be on the safe side, I plan to call our cardiologist's office tomorrow to see what their thoughts are. If there is any chance that the formula concentrate is what made him sick, we definitely don't want to try that again!

1 comment:

The Clinkscales Family said...

So sorry to hear about Colby but glad he is doing better now. I'm sure you've been a little stressed! Keep me posted! By the way, I love the new blog and all the new pictures. The boys are soooo sweet together! I love how much Brody loves Colby.