Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Colby's First Stomach Bug

Colby has managed to avoid the nasty stomach bugs that have gone around for almost 9 months now, but today, he wasn't so lucky. When I went in to get him up this morning, the poor little guy had just thrown up. My first thought was that he was reacting badly to the formula concentrate that we just started. He had his first bottle with it in there two hours before this. When he continued to throw up several more times, though, I decided to take him in to see our pediatrician.

Dr. Hudson seems to think that it is just a stomach bug. Fortunately, he has not had a fever and he is currently still hydrated, but there is always the fear that he will become dehydrated. With his shunt, we cannot let that happen!! Colby is not a great eater any ways, as you all know, so I am very worried about how much we are going to get him to eat while he has this bug. We of course will stop adding the formula for now until we can get him better. We will also try giving him some Pedialyte. I have a feeling that I will have to resort back to feeding him with a syringe before this night is over! He has currently only taken in about 6 ounces since midnight. Yikes!!!

Please keep Colby in your prayers. Please pray that he can recover quickly from this bug! This morning he had already lost 4 ounces since last week, and that was just after throwing up for one morning. Our poor little monkey can't afford to lose any more weight!!

I was going to include a picture of Colby not feeling well, but he is still all smiles!!! I would have never known he was sick if he hadn't been throwing up. I'm telling you, he is such a trooper...a happy trooper at that! We are blessed for sure!

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