Sunday, August 30, 2009

Post-Op Day 2 Morning

Colby had a really good night sleeping comfortably for the most part. They slowly weaned him off of the vapotherm and he is now back on room air with just a "blow by" of oxygen. So far, he is doing well with this, and his sats are hanging in the low 80s. The goal is to avoid going back to the nasal cannula because of how irritating it is to him. He has been swatting at it with his little "no-no's" that are on his hands, and his poor face is very blotchy and irritated.

The doctors' plan for today:
  • take him off of his continual Lasix drip but continue giving a scheduled dose of Lasix through his IV (helping with removing more fluid)
  • take out his Foley catheter
  • stop the Milrinone, which is a medicine that just helps his heart to pump (getting off of this medicine is a prerequisite for moving to the floor)
  • take out pacing wires
  • continue to watch output from chest tubes and probably take those out tomorrow
  • start back on a regular diet (we just ordered one of his favorites...vanilla yogurt)
  • increase his Enalapril (blood pressure med) and monitor for his blood pressures to come down into the acceptable range
  • continue with his pain meds as needed

All of this sounds great to us! We are so proud of how well Colby is doing. He really is a little rock star! Colby is on the right path, and we pray for continued improvement and no major setbacks.

As I am typing this, Colby is resting comfortably. Our nurse, Maribeth, joked that he looks like he is lounging on the beach. His little feet are crossed as always!

1 comment:

Lasharne said...

I'm so glad to hear things are progressing so well... hope that he gets to move to the floor with no probs and then you'll be off home before you know it!