Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Nenny's 90th Birthday

Celebrating 90 years of Nenny!  We are so blessed by her, and we are so thankful to celebrate with her!  

Saturday, June 29, 2024

The End of an Era

10 years of soccer with TN United came to an end for Brody this past week.  It is a bitter sweet moment for sure.  We have loved watching him play with this club and these boys.  We have loved watching him grow and mature as a soccer player and as a person.  There are so many life lessons he's learned through this sport, and we are grateful for every one of them.  Saying goodbye is always hard, but we are proud of his drive and his desire to spend the Fall season working and continuing to grow Hitchcock Detailing.  We will be eagerly waiting for Spring and his Senior season with Merrol Hyde!

Soccer and Vacation

I loved getting away with my favorite people!  A little soccer, a little Disney Springs with Harper, a little beach time (including Brody reliving his childhood and digging a 6 ft hole in the sand), a little putt putt with friends, a little fishing, and a lot of good eating.  Thankful for these times together and for the fun memories we make!  

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to one of the best!  There's no one else we would rather be stranded with...on a random dock...on the a thunderstorm.  

This is classic Jason...always keeping life exciting.  Thank you for loving us, keeping us safe, supporting us, and providing for us so well.  Our boys are so blessed to have you as their dad!!

We love you!

Monday, May 20, 2024

Awards Day

Today was Awards Day at school.  Brody received awards for All A's Junior Year, Highest Average in Honors Algebra 2, and the Advertising and Public Relations Excellence Award.  Colby may not have received an award this year, but he ended his freshman year on a high note after a tough start and was exempt from all exams!!  

We are so proud of these two...always!!  

Monday, May 13, 2024

Mother's Day

Being their mom is my most favorite thing ever!  God blessed me with two amazing boys and two amazing dogs, and I am so thankful for such a sweet Mother's Day spending time together!  

I'm so very proud of you Brody and Colby!  Keep following God and His plan for you.  I love you both BIG!