Who would have thought 9 months could pass so quickly? I sure didn't! When our pediatrician came in to examine Colby for his well check-up, he said he double checked the paperwork before he came in the room. He could not believe that little Colby was already 9 months old. Time really does seem to be flying.
Colby's well check-up went great! Dr. Hudson once again told us that Colby is healthy and happy. He is still meeting all of his developmental milestones, which is a big relief for me...I have been worrying about this more lately. He is also continuing to follow his own little growth curve. He is not on the actual growth chart yet, but his weight is perfect for his height. This is why he looks chubby, even though he is a little guy! His weight was 14 lb 11 oz, so he has gained 1 1/2 lbs since his 6 month check-up. I realize that this is not great, but it is at least a gain! He also grew 1 1/2 inches and is now 25 inches long. It is no surprise to me that Dr. Hudson said his head circumference is still around 30% on the growth chart, measuring at 17 1/2 inches. I choose to believe Dr. Hudson when he says his head is only big for his body because he is so smart!! He has to have room for his big brain!
Luckily, Colby did not have to receive any immunizations with this visit! The only painful thing that happened was having his toe pricked. At 9 months, our pediatrician checks all babies for anemia. Colby is in the clear on this. Surprisingly, Colby really did not even cry when she pricked his toe. Debbie is the best nurse ever! She sang "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" while she was doing it, and then Brody took over and sang his "Zoe" song. Colby was so entertained that he forgot he was supposed to be fussing.

In the past three months, Colby has mastered a few more skills. He is sitting up great! In fact, that is how he is the happiest. He spends most of his awake time sitting up playing with toys or books and watching Brody run around him. He recently started leaning forward for toys and ending up on his belly. He quickly rolls over to his back, though, because he is not a big fan of being on his tummy! Colby also enjoys us holding him so he can stand up. I guess really he is happy in any position that allows him to see everything that is going on around him. He is a very curious baby and does not want to miss out on anything. In the last few weeks, he has started voicing his opinion on things going around him as well. It is funny to hear him "talk." I just love listening to all of his different sounds and volume changes. I am in big trouble when he starts actually talking, especially if he talks as much as Brody does!

We have been trying lots of new foods with Colby in the last couple of weeks, and our pediatrician gave us the okay to give him meats and table foods now. So, we will be trying to feed him as much as we possibly can, because any additional calories will be helpful! Colby does not do too well with baby foods, though. For some reason, he does not like eating from a spoon. He prefers to feed himself finger foods. His favorites are bananas and Gerber Cheese Puffs, which are a lot like Cheetos. He has also eaten some Cheerios, Gerber Meat Sticks, toast, peas, teething crackers, potato, kiwi, watermelon, pears, and Gerber cookies. He continues to take around 25-28 ounces of breast milk a day, fortified with the corn oil. He doesn't really follow an eating schedule...we are still just giving him milk whenever he will drink it. His biggest intake time is between 8:30 and 11:30 at night. It is strange, but it is working for now. We hope that he will continue to get better at eating different foods and start packing on some pounds. I have definitely been much more relaxed about him trying foods than I ever was with Brody. I am not sure if that is because he is the "second child," or if it is because I know he desperately needs to take in some more calories each day.
As I have said before, Jason and I are really taking time to celebrate each of Colby's milestones, no matter how small they may seem. Colby and the other heart babies that we have grown to know and love have taught us just how precious life is. We are just so thrilled that he has been doing so well. He has been exceeding all expectations up to this point, and that makes us so very happy and thankful. God has blessed our family!

It is crazy to look back and see just how much Colby has grown and changed in 9 months. It is truly amazing!
2 Weeks Old
3 Months Old
6 Months Old
9 Months Old
Check out his new hairdo. It is getting so long and sticks straight up!