Sunday, April 21, 2024

Junior Prom

Love seeing Brody get all dressed up!  He and Me-A looked awesome, and I'm thankful they had a fun night together!  

Friday, April 19, 2024


Colby performed in his first high school play Wednesday night, and we were so excited to go cheer him on.  He was cast as "boyfriend" in a play titled, "Baby."  He did awesome!!  It was great to see him up on that stage so confident.  Both our boys were blessed with a little drama.  Ha ha!  They get it from their dad!

Monday, April 1, 2024

First Boat Ride of the Season

We were so excited to get back on the water Easter Sunday!  It was fun having Moose experience his first boat ride too.  He loves it just like Messi!  

Family boat rides are my favorite!