Finally some warm weather!!! We are so happy that Saturday was such a pretty day, and we were able to get outside and play! Brody has a serious case of cabin fever (so does mommy!). I cannot tell you how eager I am for Spring to officially arrive. Brody loves to play outside, and from what I can tell from yesterday, Colby is going to love being outside as well! I guess I can't blame him after our 7 months on "House Arrest."

We started our day by going over to Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Tammy's house. Poppy was there working outside with Jeremy, and he had lots of tractors...Brody's favorites!! All we heard on our drive over to their house was, "I ride Pocky's tractors, I ride Pocky's tractors." Of course, when we first got there, Brody wouldn't even go near them. He quickly changed his mind, though, and rode on a couple of tractors with Daddy. His favorite was the blue tractor! Thank you Jeremy, Tammy, Kylee, and Emilee for letting us come over to your house, and thank you Poppy for letting Brody ride the tractors. We all had lots of fun!

After the boys had their naps, we went over to our friends Chris and Cecili's house for a bonfire! We had so much fun! Brody loved playing with all of his friends, and Colby just enjoyed being outside. Colby especially enjoyed it once I got him a blanket (thanks Cecili!). We all roasted hot dogs for dinner and S'mores for dessert. Brody loved standing around the fire to roast his food, and he really loved eating the food! Of course, that doesn't surprise any of us! I hope that we can do this again soon! Thank you Chris and Cecili for hosting.
Colby sitting around the fire when we first happy!

Watch out for these three!