This Easter, we had so much to celebrate! We were able to spend the entire day together as a family, without worries of surgeries, hospitals, or doctor's appointments. It was wonderful!
We started

our day at church. Brody was really excited to hear that Colby would be going to church. He kept saying, "we all go church...mommy and daddy and 'Broda' and Colby." It was fun to get both the boys dressed in their Easter clothes. I always love an opportunity to take more pictures! The sermon at church could not have been more perfect. It was based on the song, "Because He Lives." This is a song that I have sung so many times before, but it now has a whole new significance for our family, especially the following verse and chorus:
How sweet to hold a newborn baby,and feel the pride and joy he gives;But greater still the calm assurance:This child can face uncertain days because He lives!Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;Because I know He holds the future,And life is worth the living,Just because He lives!I found myself just staring at Colby as I listened and as we sang, and I was filled with so much happiness! No matter how stressed, worried, or sad I get when I think about Colby's future, I know in my heart that he will be okay. He will continue to face uncertainty and difficulties (more than any baby should have to), but God will be with him, and us, every step of the way. Being reminded of this was such a wonderful way to start our Easter!
We didn't have time to look at the goodies the Easter bunny brought before church, so afterwards we went home for Brody and Colby to check it out. Fortunately, the bunny hid the goodies in the laundry room (so we could get out the door for church with no melt downs), but unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to take everything out of the laundry room before Brody was ready for them. So, we let Brody go on a hunt for his Easter goodies. It was kind of fun to see him look in all the rooms and then get so excited when he finally found his presents in the laundry room. Now, every time we mention Easter and the Easter bunny, though, Brody talks about how his goodies were in the laundry room. We may have unintentionally started a really strange tradition...not many kids find their Easter baskets in the laundry room!
Brody and Colby loved everything the bunny brought. Brody's favorite is the bubble blower lawn mower, and a close second is his new Spiderman place mat. Colby really likes his tool bench, but I think he has the most fun chewing on his new little books. The poor little guy is still trying to get those first teeth in, so he loves anything he can get into his mouth right now.

After spending a few minutes at home, we packed up and headed over to my grandmother's house for Easter lunch. Granny Shug always prepares a huge and delicious feast for everyone. It was great to spend time with my parents, sister, aunts, uncles, and cousins. After lunch, there was a big Easter Egg hunt for all of the kids. Last year, Brody wasn't too sure what he was supposed to do, but this year, he did great! Of course, he was much slower than everyone else. He had to stop after picking up the eggs to examine them carefully and show Colby what he had found, which was really cute. Brody even found a prize egg that Granny Shug had hidden. It was a Spiderman egg with 50 cents inside. He was so excited to find "mooney" in his egg!
Granny Shug holding Colby for the first time.
Colby loved Granny's dog Angel.

Gacky and Colby 
Daddy and Colby relaxing after lunch

Brody showing Colby his eggs

Gacky and Brody still looking for eggs

Brody's Prize Egg

The boys were exhausted after all of this fun, so we went home for an afternoon nap...a much needed afternoon nap! Then, to end our day, Jason's mom (Nana) came over to visit. She of course brought more Easter treats for the boys. So, we had some dinner and watched Brody and Colby play with all of their new toys that they got from the bunny, Nana, Gacky and Granna, and Nenny and Pa. Our house looked like we had just opened Christmas presents! We are truly blessed, and we are very thankful to God for all that we have!!
I am so glad that Colby's first Easter was a great one! The only thing that would have made it better is if we had seen Poppy, Nenny, Pa, Jeremy, Tammy, Emilee, and Kylee, but unfortunately, we just didn't get an opportunity to do that this year. Hopefully next year, we can figure out a way to spend time with all of them as well!