Brody would probably disagree. he would say that his tractors and choo choo train were the the tops this year. it was really fun to watch him with family and to watch him experience his first Christmas of understanding presents and Santa. he became pretty intrigued with the big guy in the red suit this year.... Colby didn't really pay much attention to much beyond the noise and the lights. but it was great to watch Brody show Colby all of his new toys and he also helped Colby open his toys. it is still funny to watch Brody go into the play room and identify Colby's toys and his toys.... he is the best big brother ever. as many of you know we were pretty fond of Brody prior to Colby being born and some might even say we spoiled him a little. well I'm not sure how accurate that theory is but he has absolutely surprised us with how good he treats his little brother. i cant imagine what it will like as they get older especially if anyone tries to pick on his little brother there might be a little drama when that happens. Christmas was truly filled with blessings and reasons to celebrate this year. despite the health issues Colby is dealing with we truly feel like we are blessed with 2 of the greatest kids.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
time to catch up....
Brody would probably disagree. he would say that his tractors and choo choo train were the the tops this year. it was really fun to watch him with family and to watch him experience his first Christmas of understanding presents and Santa. he became pretty intrigued with the big guy in the red suit this year.... Colby didn't really pay much attention to much beyond the noise and the lights. but it was great to watch Brody show Colby all of his new toys and he also helped Colby open his toys. it is still funny to watch Brody go into the play room and identify Colby's toys and his toys.... he is the best big brother ever. as many of you know we were pretty fond of Brody prior to Colby being born and some might even say we spoiled him a little. well I'm not sure how accurate that theory is but he has absolutely surprised us with how good he treats his little brother. i cant imagine what it will like as they get older especially if anyone tries to pick on his little brother there might be a little drama when that happens. Christmas was truly filled with blessings and reasons to celebrate this year. despite the health issues Colby is dealing with we truly feel like we are blessed with 2 of the greatest kids.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
What?!?!?! Please weigh him again!
I'm just so glad that I have Jason! He is truly an amazing husband and dad! Jason is always so positive, and he helps me to take a step back and look at the big picture. Colby is eating much better now, he is happy, and he is doing great overall. I have to focus on these positives and not obsess over the ounces on the scale. We will just pray for a better weight check next week.
Neurology Appointments

Monday, December 15, 2008
Brunch with Santa
Saving Little Hearts Christmas Party
The party was a lot of fun. It was so nice to have a party that Colby could act
I think the best part for me and Jason was seeing all of the other "heart babies," that are now older kids, running, playing, and just being kids! It is so encouraging for us! I know that next year Colby will be right there with them...I can't tell you how happy that makes me!!!
By the way...Saving Little Hearts puts together an annual calendar with pictures of lots of heart babies, kids, and adults. Colby's picture appears in March 2009! You can check it out and even order one at the Saving Little Hearts Website. You can also make donations to help with Surgery Care Packages. Your support of Saving Little Hearts is greatly appreciated by us and other heart moms and dads!! Please visit their site!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
An Ounce a Day...Yeah!!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Hendersonville Christmas Parade
Mary Grace, Brody, and Carolyne all bundled up in the back of the Rowell's car waiting for the parade to begin.
Colby waited patiently for the fun to start.
Brody had so much fun sitting with Jason watching all of the parade floats and bands! It was great seeing him excited about the parade this year. He was really excited when he realized that all of the parade participants were handing out candy!
No Christmas Parade would be complete without seeing Santa Claus, but I don't know if Brody was more excited about seeing Santa or seeing the Fire Truck he was riding on!
Little Colby was exhausted! He fell asleep in the back of the car before seeing Santa...maybe next year!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
4 Month Well Visit
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Update from the Doctors and Turkey day
Colby had a follow up with his surgeon on Nov 17th. We were a little nervous going into the appointment since his weight gain hasn't been great since surgery. We were concerned if that was an indication of his healing. As usual Colby was charming the nurse with his cute little smile. I think he figures if he smiles real cute then they won't stick him? After a short exam Dr. Christian said his SATs looked good and she was pleased with how
This Thanksgiving has been one filled with many emotions. As we look at our boys we see our biggest blessings. Brody continues to make us laugh each and every day with his crazy antics and Colby makes us smile every time he looks up and grins. It is in those moments of smiling and laughter that distract us from the pain and suffering Colby has already been through. I don't think a day passes that we don't look at Colby and wonder how he can be so happy despite the road he has traveled and with the road he still faces. Those little smiles are what we draw from when we begin to get caught up in the weeds of all the things still ahead. Since Colby is still on house arrest Becca and I celebrated part of turkey day apart which allowed her time with her family and gave her some one on one time w/ Brody which is always entertaining. During my time alone w/ Colby today i had some time to reflect on how God has blessed us in so many ways and and to see that we have so much to be thankful for. We never could have imagined how Colby would have impacted our lives.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
3 Months Old
Monday, November 3, 2008
Cardiologist Follow Up
As far as his progress, Dr. Liske said that he looks better than he did on Friday. His breathing is a little slower, his hands and feet are warmer, his liver is not as enlarged, and his color is good. All of these are good signs. We are on the right track, but Dr. Liske said it is just going to be a long and slow process. Another opportunity for me to learn patience I guess. The only real concern Dr. Liske has now is Colby's weight gain. We have got to get him eating more again!! If he doesn't start eating better, our next step would be a feeding tube. Dr. Liske doesn't think this will be necessary, though...he thinks Colby's eating will improve sooner than later. I just wish it would improve now!!! Watching my baby not eat when I know he really, really needs to is beyond frustrating for me!
We will return to Dr. Liske for another follow up the day before Thanksgiving. Dr. Liske will actually be out of the country for a couple of weeks, so I'm hoping that Colby continues to improve while he is gone. I would hate for Colby to need him and him be gone! We are very attached to Dr. Liske!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween Fun
Our Little Super Heroes
Colby is a super hero in more ways than one! It is hard to believe that these pictures were taken not even 2 weeks after major heart surgery! He is such a happy baby and definitely a trooper!
Jason took Brody around our street to trick or treat, but I think he had more fun sitting on our front steps handing out candy to others. It was fun to see him so excited about Halloween. He definitely understands the "trick or treat" concept this year, because after lunch the next day, he looked at us and said "trick or treat" while pointing to the candy bowl. He is such a stinker!
Every year, Emilee and Kylee (Brody and Colby's cousins) and Mary Grace and Carolyne (Brody and Colby's good friends) stop by to Trick or Treat at our house. We always love to see them dressed up in their cute costumes. For some reason, we didn't get a picture of Emilee and Kylee, but they were dressed as beautiful princesses! Below is a picture of Mary Grace and Carolyne...Mary Grace was Super Girl and Carolyne was a sweet witch. Too cute!
Our friends, the Smiths, have an annual Halloween Party. It is always so much fun! They have games, activities, give aways, and lots of treats. Colby couldn't go this year, but Jason did take Brody for some more Halloween fun. Before they left for the party, Brody went over to Colby in his swing and gave him a big kiss. Again, he is an awesome big brother!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
First Post-Op Office Visit
Dr. Liske asked us several questions and looked over little Colby. One interesting fact that we learned is that Colby doesn't have one murmur anymore...he has 3 murmurs!!! I guess he is already showing us he is an over achiever : ). We discussed Colby's cold and purple hands and feet, the mottling of his skin, and his rapid and labored breathing. We then went for yet another chest x-ray. After reviewing the x-ray, Dr. Liske told us he was "doing okay." This is not exactly what we wanted to hear, since he is normally very positive. Apparently, he is pretty concerned with the amount of blood flow going into Colby's lungs and the lack of blood flow that is going to his body. Colby's body is in a very difficult situation right now trying to get adjusted to the new blood flow going through his shunt. Also, the shunt is too big for him right now, so he needs to get bigger and "grow into it."
It is hard for us to believe that all of this is going on in Colby's body, because for the most part, he is a very happy and smiley baby. He is still having a tough time feeding, but it seems to be slowly improving. I'm hoping that the Acid Reflux medicine is helping with this. The bad news is that poor feeding is also a sign that his heart is in trouble. Needless to say, I am always in constant he not eating because of the reflux or is he not eating because something more serious is wrong. It's always something!
Long story short...I got the impression that we are not able to take a deep breath and relax just yet, which is what we were really hoping for after his first surgery. Dr. Liske wants to keep a very close eye on Colby and make sure his body does begin adjusting to the shunt. We go back to see him again on Monday at 8 am.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Settling in at Home
Since surgery, Colby has not been eating too well. We thought it would improve once we got back home, but it hasn't. When we try to feed him, he drinks 1/4 to 1/2 ounce and then cries like he is in pain. Since he isn't taking in very much at a time, I feed him every hour to hour and a half. It is so difficult to see him like this. My first and biggest fear was of course that maybe he isn't recovering well. So, after speaking with his cardiologist's nurse, I took him to see our pediatrician yesterday. His sats were 89%, which is great, and his heart sounded good. This is a big relief! After a quick description of his behavior while eating, Dr. Hudson determined that he has Acid Reflux. He thinks he may have had a very minor case of reflux pre-surgery, but the surgery might have irritated it and made it much more severe now. So, he prescribed a medicine that should help reduce the amount of acid in his stomach. Just what Colby needs, another medicine to take...but if it helps him to eat more comfortably, I am all for it! Surprisingly, Colby has not lost much weight through his surgery and days of not eating. He weighed 10 lbs 8 oz! My hope is that we can get him eating well again and continue to pack on the pounds before his next surgery. This has always been a big stress to me, and I guess it will continue to be a big stress for many, many months to come.
I have to say once again, that I am very impressed with our cardiologist's office. The nurse called me yesterday afternoon to check on our visit with the pediatrician and then again this morning to see how today was going. This is above and beyond, and it means so much to me!! She made it a point to call and check on little Colby even though we have an appointment with them first thing in the morning.
Other than not eating well, Colby seems to be doing pretty well. He is back to his happy, smiley self, except when we are trying to feed him of course. I missed his smile so much when we were in the hospital, so seeing it daily again is such a relief! He is such a trooper! When I look at him, I am just in complete amazement. Who knew someone so small could be so strong. He is such an inspiration to me!! Colby's smiles, Brody's craziness, and Jason's unbelievable love and support is what keeps me going each day. I am truly blessed in more ways than I deserve. I love my three boys so very much!!!
I have to show everyone what we saw when we arrived home on Monday. Brody and Colby's good friends, Mary Grace and Carolyne, made Colby a Welcome Home sign for our front door (thank you Marye!). It was so nice to see it! It made coming home even more special!
We have our first post-surgery follow up with Dr. Liske (cardiologist) tomorrow morning. We are hoping all goes well! We will keep you posted.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Colby is granted early RELEASE
Brody was still napping when we arrived back at home late this afternoon. After Becca and I got Brody up from his nap we told him Colby was home. He ran straight out of his room
Moving forward we hope that the surgery Colby had last week will keep him stable for the next 3-4
Thanks to everyone for the enormous support and love shown to our family during these past days. We never could have done it without the loving hand of God and the amazing support structure that continues to grow around us.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Finally made it out of PCICU
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Cleared to leave the PCICU
Leaving last night was really tough for both of us but he was doing really well so we decided to go home to swap out some laundry and make sure our bed was still in it's old place. Yesterday was a pretty good day. Colby seemed to continue to improve throughout the day. We became a little concerned at one point b/c he started running a fever which typically signifies some type of infection. In babies with heart conditions that scenario is more frightening than normal b/c of the potential harm the infections can cause on their already weak heart. As soon as they noticed his fever they immediately began running blood work and started him on some antibiotics. The initial results showed that his white blood count was not elevated which was good but they are still waiting for all of the cultures to come back to confirm that there is no infection. The typical culture times are 24, 48, and 72 hrs so we are over half way there.
We were also able to meet with Colby's cardiologist yesterday which was very comforting since he has been watching and caring for Colby since we found out at Becca's 20 week ultrasound that he had a "special heart". It was great talking with him b/c he was able to explain and clarify some of what was going on. One thing that he helped us understand was that several of the "set backs" were typical for his surgery especially since they used a larger shunt. The larger shunt allows a higher level of blood flow into his lungs which causes his body to have to adjust to the increase in blood flow. Colby is still pumping blood from his heart into his lungs plus the blood that is now passing through the shunt into his lungs. This information gave us a little more peace about some of the things that had happened since his surgery. As we met with Dr. Liske again today he explained that the shunt is a 2 sided sword in that it does allow increased blood flow to the lungs which allows his SATs to be higher reducing his blue spells but it also increases his symptoms of heart failure b/c of the increased blood flow to the lungs. As he continues to grow the flow with gradually balance out with his growth. Unfortunately as he grows the shunt will also become less effective thus causing him to have the next surgery.
Today was full of progress. Colby is starting look more like our old little Colby. His swelling has gone down considerably. His breathing has gotten better. They have weened him off of most of his IV medicines. He is no longer on the nasal cannula. Last but not least they were able to remove his chest tube. These are steps in the process to getting him out of the ICU. They cleared him to go to a regular floor earlier tonight. Unfortunately there were no rooms available so he should move tomorrow morning. Yeah.....
Yesterday was also fun b/c we were able to leave the hospital for an hour to go with Brody to play at the "dragon" park across the street from the hospital. This whole process has been taxing on us as parents for a variety of reasons but undoubtedly one of the hardest parts is b
God has truly blessed us yet again with His healing hand. If you notice the 2 pictures in this post you can see how much better he looks today over yesterday. Our prayers continue to be answered as Colby continues to get stronger. Thanks for all of the prayers....