Colby went befor

e the doctor's parole board early this afternoon and fortunately they released him on good behavior. We were so excited to get the news this afternoon that we could finally take our baby home again. There is no doubt that the last 11 days have been very challenging for Colby physically and emotionally for our family. We feel so blessed to be back home with both our boys tonight.
Brody was still napping when we arrived back at home late this afternoon. After Becca and I got Brody up from his nap we told him Colby was home. He ran straight out of his room

looking for Colby. As he got to the top of the stairs he asked "where Colby go". He came downstairs and ran straight to Colby's swing saying, "Hi Colby". We never could have dreamed what a great big brother he would be to Colby. As most parents do, we worried about how Brody would accept his little brother. Given the special attention that Colby would require not only during his surgeries but in general it worried us even more. Fortunately he has been amazing with little Colby. We must thank our family and friends for taking such great care of Brody while we were attending to Colby over these past 11 days. We have been blessed in so many ways and for those blessings we are grateful.
Moving forward we hope that the surgery Colby had last week will keep him stable for the next 3-4

months. The shunt should provide enough blood to his lungs during that time period as he continues to grow. We hope that since the surgeon was able to implant a larger shunt than originally planned Colby will get a little extra time between surgeries. The larger shunt should provide adequate flow to get him past 6 months old which is the prime window for his next procedure. There will be some challenges over the next couple of months as his body continues to adjust to the additional flow to his lungs. This additional flow can cause feedings to be more difficult which is what we are dealing with right now. As Becca has discussed in the past getting Colby to gain weight is a very stressful endeavor but she has done great thus far working with him therefore I have no doubt he will continue to do well in the future. He is so lucky to have such a patient and compassionate mom. Please continue to keep Colby in your prayers as we work to his next surgery.
Thanks to everyone for the enormous support and love shown to our family during these past days. We never could have done it without the loving hand of God and the amazing support structure that continues to grow around us.
It is *great* to see that Colby made it home! I love how you put it - granted early release by the Doctor Parole Board! I can almost see him in his little striped suit with his prisoner number above the breast pocket (#11649865), holding his striped hat in his hand and saying "I've reformed!"
Tell that young man to stay on the straight and narrow path this time! :)
Adventures of a Funky Heart! blog:
Congrats!!! So glad you're home and Colby is doing so well. His pictures are so adorable, what a photogenic little guy! Enjoy being home with those cute boys and getting back into "normal" life again!
YAY!!!!!! I am so thankfuly that you have all your family back at home!!! Can;t wait to see everyone.
Rachel, Jason and Jax
LOVE IT!!! This is the most incredible news! I talked to Kate last night and she told me that you were home. Colby is so strong as are you all!
Brody and Colby are both too precious! They'll be best friends when they get bigger.
What a blessing!
Becca and Jason,
Hooray! I am so glad Colby got to come home! Colby is such a beautiful baby boy! I am glad all of you are back home together again!
God is so good, you are right. Colby is THE cutest little man!! And I've seen cute little men (I've got one!) What a sweetie! God bless you and Becca. I cannot imagine what it has been like for your guys. I am sitting in a puddle of my own tears reading your blog. God bless you. I am so glad you all are home. Much love, Keyla
Okay, that's great news. But I want to talk about the new facial hair... Dude.
So glad you all are home. You all look great. We still continue to pray. What a joy it is to know that Colby has a favorite toy. Like the beard.
Aunt Pat
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