On Saturday, Jason, Jeremy, and our friend Tim competed in their first Warrior Dash in Manchester. The Warrior Dash is a 5K run with several obstacles, including climbing walls, jumping over fire, and crawling through a mud pit. It is amazing to me that around 13,000 people paid to participate in this craziness. I guess it would be something fun to say you had done at least once.
Jason has not run in probably 10 years. After his 2 major knee surgeries while still in the Marines, his knee hasn't been able to handle high stress activities. I am so impressed that he even agreed to do the race, and I am even more impressed that he finished in 36 minutes!! We are all very proud of him!! We are also happy that he is still able to walk! Jason, you never cease to amaze me! You are a WARRIOR!

Is it any wonder our kids our so goofy??

Poppy and Daphne came to support Jason and Jeremy, and they bought the kids Warrior shirts and hats. They were so cute! We couldn't get Flora and Ya Ya in the picture, but they also looked adorable!

Jason looks ready to get started...