Thursday, July 30, 2009
"Let's play ball Colby"
Whole Milk...So Far So Good
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Surgery Date Scheduled
Friday, July 17, 2009
Primrose School Of Hendersonville's Spring Fling Donation
A Sad Goodbye to Dr. Liske
Colby was giving Dr. Liske his best sad face, but unfortunately, it didn't work.
Colby showing off his "Bye-Bye" wave.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
We are home!
Colby waiting patiently to be called back yesterday morning.
Hanging out in the holding area being so patient. He was smiling and talking to everyone that walked by.
After 2 hours in the holding area, Colby was starting to lose his patience (as were we!), so Jason decided to roll him around the halls in his stroller. This made him very happy!! I guess he just needed more people to flirt with!
Here is Colby after getting into recovery. When I walked in, I was overwhelmed by how big he looked. I felt like I hadn't seen him in days, rather than 3 hours. I was also surprised by how much he looked like Brody.
Everyone that walked by made a comment about his cute little feet being crossed. It looks like he was very comfy, but believe me, he was NOT!
Colby finally decided to drink some apple juice. The nurses thought it was so funny that he would only take it from a straw. He is such a big boy!
After 10 hours in recovery, they finally got us a bed in a regular room. As you can see, Colby enjoyed the ride up and the change of scenery. This was the first smile we had seen all afternoon, and it made us so happy!!
This is one tired baby! He was more than ready to go home.
Thank you for all of your prayers and support! We are blessed to have all of you in our lives, and we appreciate each and every one of you! We will let you know once the Glenn Operation has been scheduled.
the morning after cath
Despite these couple of small issues everything went really well. Colby got moved to a room around midnight. He thought spending 9+ hrs in recovery was cool. In fact he was the only child in recovery for the last 2-3 hrs of his stay so he got a lot of attention... Move to the 6th floor was smooth got him checked in with his new nurses and then he decided to stay awake.... sleep finally found our room around 3:30 and fled when the doctors arrived at 5:00.....
Great news is that he looks really good this AM despite being a drama king for the past 24 hrs. we are waiting for the cardiologist to get out of conference this morning so we can discuss the surgery schedule..... Still hoping to go home today.... we might even take Colby with us.....
the precious angel is sleeping now and Becca is finally getting some rest so I hope everyone wakes up refreshed and ready to roll.
we have some really cute pictures from along the journey but posting them this AM exceeds my current skill set so you will have to wait for Becca to add them. Thank you so much for all of the kind words and prayers over the past couple of days..... We will update again when we know more.....
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Heart Cath Updates
Cath is complete! We just met with Dr. Doyle and looked at all of the pics they took of Colby's heart...truly amazing! There were no surprises and his pressures and saturations look great. Dr. Doyle said he did very well!! They will discuss him during their conference tomorrow with the surgeons and decide when we will proceed with the Glenn. My fingers are crossed for September, but we will see. Now we are just waiting to go back and see him in recovery. We will post additional updates and pictures later.
Update 1:45
Just got a call from the nurse in the OR. She said everything is going good. They were able to get a cath line in each leg with no complications. So far they have been able to check pressures on both sides of his heart as well as his saturations.
They are about to begin taking pictures to use in the planning of his next surgery. So far so good. We will update when we know more....
We checked in this morning at 9 am. We thought that Colby would be taken back around 10:30, but unfortunately, he was postponed for a couple of hours. We ended up in the holding area for about 3 hours. This is the first time that Jason and I have been happy about Colby not having an appetite, since the last time he ate was 11 last night. Colby never ceases to amaze us. He was smiling and talking to everyone that walked by and looked at him...such a flirt! If I were hungry and tired, I would not be so pleasant. He is such a trooper.
Anesthesiology took him back around noon, and they will call us with updates every 30 minutes or so. The procedure should take about 2 hours total. Once he is awake, they will allow me and Jason to be with him in recovery. We will post updates as we get them. I also have some pics from this morning that I will post later today. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Doctor Appointment and Blanket Delivery
Colby letting us know he was not happy!
We are supposed to arrive at Vanderbilt tomorrow by 9 am. Dr. Doyle has one cath before us, so he thinks Colby's cath should start around 10:30 or so. This is an exploratory cath where they measure some pressures and take pictures of his heart. Basically, this cath is done to make sure there are no surprises for the surgeon during his Glenn Operation. Colby will be under anesthesia, so he should not feel anything...thankfully! Based on the findings during this cath, his Glenn will be scheduled at the doctors' conference on Thursday.
After our appointment, we were able to deliver some more blankets to the PCICU. My mom finished up this set a couple of weeks ago. They were all so cute! I hope that they make lots of moms and dads smile during their difficult stay in the hospital. Thank you mom for working so hard on these blankets. I know they are appreciated by many!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Cookie Monsters
Monday, July 6, 2009
4th of July Fun
Finally...the fireworks begin!