Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Prayers for Heart Friends

On Thursday, May 6th, beautiful Nadia was born. I met Nadia's mom, Suha, several months ago after her cardiologist introduced us. Nadia has the same main heart defect that Colby does...Tricuspid Atresia. Nadia had her first surgery, the BT Shunt, yesterday, and so far, she is doing well. Please pray for her continued healing and for strength for her mom and dad. Nadia also has an older brother, so please pray for him as well. I know he probably misses his mom and daddy, and he will be very excited when they get to come home with his new baby sister!

Maddie also needs our prayers today. She is having a cath procedure to make some necessary repairs on her heart. Please pray for Maddie, the doctors, and her family.

Lastly, our friend Cain and his parents really need our prayers! During the flooding last weekend, their house flooded three times. Fortunately, they are okay, but their house and many of their possessions are not. They have moved into an apartment for the next several months while a contractor repairs all of the damage. Please pray for strength and patience!