- At the end of January, Colby discovered that he could climb out of his bed by himself (this is amazing in itself considering how tall his bed is). During naps one day, Jason and I heard a door close and then little footsteps. We at first thought it was Brody going potty, but then we heard Colby's little giggle. Jason went up and put him back in the bed and told him he was not allowed to get up by himself. He stayed in his bed for about 10 more minutes and then we heard some noises again. This time I went up and found Colby standing on his stool in the bathroom with no pants on brushing his hair! I mean, seriously?!?! That was one of those moments where I wanted to discipline him but I couldn't help but laugh!
- We were upstairs playing in the bonus room when Colby put his head on the floor and flipped over. He looked up at us with a big smile on his face! He was so proud that he had done a forward roll all by himself. For the next few days, he did these everywhere...including his bed!
- He can flip through our movie case and say the title of every single movie. I have yet to figure out how he does this, considering most of the movies don't have pictures on the discs. He showed this "skill" off to our neighbors the other day, and they were joking that he can already read! Ha!
- The other day, Poppy brought over Zoe so the boys could play with her. Colby chased her the whole time she was here saying, "doggy, doggy." He laughed so hard when she licked his face. He looked at me and said, "more...then stuck his tongue out and licked like a dog. Too funny! He also had fun sticking his tongue out and panting like she was panting.
Colby talks a lot! A couple of months ago, I was a little concerned that he wasn't putting words together to form phrases / sentences, but he has definitely shown me that he can do that now. Here are a few things that he says that are just so cute:
- "Olba"...this is how he says his name. This is funny to me, because at 2, Brody called himself Broda. I guess the "y" takes longer for our boys to say.
- "holsha"...hold me. This is also funny, because Brody used to say this exact word when he wanted to be held. I'm really not sure how they both ended up saying it this way, but I love it! Brody will still say it like this every once in a while when he wants some mommy love!!
- "No, me!" We hear this a lot! He is starting to be very independent and wants to do everything by himself.
- "Me turn"...my turn
- "Hit pay, hit pause"...play and pause are his favorite words right now! He loves watching movies and using the "ro-mote" (remote) to hit play and pause.
- "Potty"...he is potty trained now (during awake times/ he still wears a diaper at nap and bedtime). He has learned very quickly how to use this word to his advantage. If he says, "potty," he sees me jump to attention quickly! He also likes to say this when he wants to hit pause on the remote. His new trick is saying "potty," hitting pause, and then saying "no potty. dittting (kidding)." Frustrating at times, but so stinking cute!
- "Over". He yells this every single time a show on TV or a movie he is watching goes off. He likes to let us all know that it is over.
- "pitty pease"...pretty please. This one gets me every time! He says it in the cutest little voice, and it is honestly hard to say no sometimes.
- "one, two, pee, poooor, pive"...one, two, three, four, five. When he is counting to five, he normally forgets the number four. He gets so excited, he skips straight to "pive."
- When we pass the "duck park," he will say "duck, pack pack"...duck, quack quack
- "haaa, haaa, haaa" This is from the movie Barnyard. The naughty boy in the movie always says it in a very obnoxious voice. Colby calls it the "sas part" (sassy part).
- "sare"...scared. He says this with his hand over his heart when he is scared.
- "hide, see"...hide and seek. He loves to hide and have you find him.
- "friends" He asks for his friends every day when he wakes up from his nap. His friends are all of the kids in the neighborhood that play outside. "Woooeees" (Lucy), "Ta tee" (Katy), Jack, "Memmi" (Remi), Max, Ben, Sam. I think it is so cute that he considers all of these big kids his friends!
- "sarrrry"...sorry. He normally says this any time he spills something, bumps into somebody, or does something that he knows he wasn't supposed to do. A couple of weeks ago, we were in a restaurant and he spilled his whole cup of Sprite in my purse. He just looked at me and said, "sarrrry." It is kind of hard to be upset when you hear that!!
- "Ah-Ah, tanket"...his monkey and his blanket
- "huh? huh? what say?"...what did you say? He is notorious for doing this! I'm not sure if he really doesn't hear what we say, or if he just likes to say this phrase.
- "what world?"...what in the world? He started saying this after hearing me or Jason say it to to something silly Brody had done. It really is funny hearing him say this!
- "bum? one piece?"...gum. He always asks for gum. He started the one piece thing when he realized I kept saying no. I guess it is his way of negotiating. When I say no to the one piece, he will say "one bitty bitty?" and pinch his fingers together and squint his eyes, which means just one little bitty piece. How do you turn that down?
I could probably list tons of little things that he says or does that make me smile. I try to focus on these when I am feeling down about his heart and upcoming surgery, which I guess is why I finally decided to type up this post. This week has been really hard on me thinking about the surgery, the anesthesia, the possible complications from the anesthesia and surgery, the hospital stay, the recovery, being away from Brody, etc. All of the what-ifs just drive me crazy. The emotions are overwhelming to say the least, but it is definitely harder to be sad when I see Colby's sweet smile or think about all of the happiness he brings us. These are the things I must focus on to get through the tough times ahead!
"what world" really made me laugh out loud !
I always think about you guys!
If you need to talk you can call me anytime !
oh that was suha :)
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