Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Broadway Bounce

The NCAA Division 1 Women's Basketball Championships were held at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville this year.  As part of this Final Four event, Coca Cola sponsored the Broadway Bounce on Saturday, April 5, which is where kids ages 18 and under could dribble a basketball through downtown Nashville.  There were over 2,000 kids that participated!  Before the dribbling began, though, a few local clubs were asked to come and perform, and Colby's TOTs group was one of these clubs.  These kids did an awesome job showing off their dribbling.  Just like their shirts say...they are small on size but big on skills!

I couldn't help but get teary eyed watching Colby perform and dribble his basketball through downtown.  This is only one week after his cath procedure.  He simply amazes me and inspires me to always give 110% at everything I do.

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