Technically, Colby should still be on "house arrest," but we called the cardiologist's office for special permission to take him to church on Easter. After speaking with Dr. Doyle, Mary Beth told us that as long as we were very careful (keep the hand sanitizer ready!), that he should be fine. This was the best news ever! We have missed attending church as a family the last few weeks. Colby must have really missed being there too, because he ran straight into Children's Church and didn't look back.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Easter 2011
Technically, Colby should still be on "house arrest," but we called the cardiologist's office for special permission to take him to church on Easter. After speaking with Dr. Doyle, Mary Beth told us that as long as we were very careful (keep the hand sanitizer ready!), that he should be fine. This was the best news ever! We have missed attending church as a family the last few weeks. Colby must have really missed being there too, because he ran straight into Children's Church and didn't look back.
Brody's School Egg Hunt
Brody Needs us Less and Less
Brody has been doing more and more on his own lately...picking out nice outfits that actually match, packing his own snack for school, making his breakfast or lunch by himself, and the latest addition to this list is tying his own shoes! He came home from school one day determined to tie his shoes, and he did not stop practicing until he got it. He is definitely persistent! It is hard to believe that he is already tying his own shoes. I didn't think this would happen until kindergarten or later, and here he is, 4 years old and doing it perfectly.
We are proud of all you have accomplished and continue to accomplish daily Brody!! You are an amazing little guy and a great big brother for Colby to look up to.
Friday, April 15, 2011
First Post-Op Follow Up with Cardiology
Colby's first follow up with Dr. Doyle went really well! His chest x-ray was clear, sats were 89-90%, blood pressure was good, EKG was "perfect," and his heart sounded just right. Jason and I were thrilled to hear this news!! It is amazing that only 2 weeks after open heart surgery, he is looking and feeling this great! He is an amazing little guy, and God is good!
Since Colby's chest x-ray was clear (no fluid around his lungs), Dr. Doyle decided to try taking him off one of his diuretics and reducing the amount of the other (Lasix). Instead of taking two diuretics twice a day, he will now only take one diuretic once a day. After the Fontan, kids tend to struggle with keeping fluid from building up around the lungs, so we will have to watch Colby closely for any signs of fluid (trouble breathing, not feeling well, etc) with this reduced intake of diuretics. Colby will have another chest x-ray and appointment with Dr. Doyle on May 10th to check his lungs and heart. We pray that he does well with the reduced amount of diuretics. He has not been happy having to wear a pull up again, but with all of the diuretics, he has not exactly been able to wear his underwear! I'm sure he will be happy to be potty trained again once he adjusts to this new dosage of Lasix and has to potty less!Colby's First Week at Home
Colby's first week at home after his Fontan definitely had its ups and downs. Days 1 and 2 were extremely difficult and exhausting, but by day 3, Colby was having a lot more good moments than bad. I have to admit that during days 1 and 2, I was scared to death that we would never see our little Colby's big personality again. He was just so uncomfortable, tired, and unhappy. We are so used to him being loud and lively that it was hard to see him the extreme opposite of that. When we started seeing his little smile, seeing him feel more like playing, and seeing him and Brody acting silly together again, we were all very excited and thankful to God!
As you can see from the first two pictures below, Colby watched a lot of movies through the week. He didn't feel like playing with anything except his little DVD player and the remote. Ah-Ah, his monkey, was always close by his side, and he wouldn't let me far from his sight either. He got a little spoiled to constant mommy and daddy time in the hospital, and he wasn't ready to give that up just yet. I don't know if you can tell in the pictures, but he has very tired eyes! This is because he was NOT sleeping well at all!! Jason and I have had several rough nights. We are not exactly sure what is causing the night waking, but we do have a few theories: he got used to me or Jason sleeping in the bed with him at the hospital, he is having bad dreams (who wouldn't after what he just went through!), or he is still having some pain. Whatever the reason, we are praying it passes soon. Jason and I are not great with being woken up in the middle of the night any more.
The night before this picture was taken, a funny (at least it's funny now) thing happened. We were up and down with Colby from about 11:30-1. We thought he was finally sleeping peacefully, but we were wrong! At 2:30, Jason wakes up thinking he is having a dream that he hears Colby. He turns over to see Colby sitting in the middle of our bed between us patting us both on the backs smiling and saying, "Wake up mommy, wake up daddy." It was no dream! This little monkey climbed out of his big bed with his Ah-Ah and "tanket," climbed down the stairs in the dark, and climbed up into our bed. I'm pretty sure that these things are probably on his list of restrictions, considering he just had open heart surgery! He is lucky that he didn't hurt himself! I took him right back to his bed, and he slept the rest of night. He will hopefully not be trying that again any time soon!