Sunday, April 3, 2011

Post Op Day 4 (4/2/11)

We went on another wagon ride today, and the weather was so nice that we were able to go sit outside for a while. Colby was so relaxed out there that he took a nap! It felt good to get out of the room and get some fresh air.

The doctors and nurses have been encouraging Colby to start walking around. Unfortunately, he couldn't do that with the IV in his foot, so they decided to go ahead and put a new one in his hand. An IV therapist came by about 5:30 pm and did this with no problems. Here he is with his tennis shoes on ready to take his first few steps after surgery...

Then, an hour after the IV was put in, he pulled it out! So, another IV therapist came by about 7 to stick him yet again in the other hand. This poor child looks like a pin cushion! We are praying he does not pull this one out, because he has pretty much run out of usable veins.

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