Last Friday,
August 22nd, Brody turned 2 years old! It is still so hard for me to believe that two years has passed! It seems like just yesterday that we were bringing him home from the hospital. Everyone always says, "they grow up too fast." We have learned that this is truly an understatement! I feel like he should still be my little baby sitting in his bouncey seat. Instead, he is all over the place! He went from being so dependent on us for everything to being Mr. Independent with a huge personality! There is not a day that passes that he does not make me and Jason laugh hysterically. I can't wait until he is making his little brother laugh as well!
To celebrate Brody's big day, close family and friends came over for a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Celebration. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is Brody's favorite show right now, only because of the Hot Dog Dance at the end. In fact, he thinks Mickey Mouse's name is "hot dog." We all had such a great time! Jason and I were of course exhausted, but it was so worth the extra time and energy to see the look on Brody's face and see him have s
o much fun! I'm glad that we were able to provide him with a party in the midst of our craziness! Since there were several people here, especially kids, Colby had to spend the party closed in our bedroom, with frequent visits from mom and dad of course. He was such a good boy through the party, sleeping the majority of the time!
Brody, we are so proud of you! You have grown so much in the past two years. I
n the few weeks leading up to your birthday, you have matured a lot...more than we ever expected. You are talking so much more (all the time!), sleeping in your "big boy bed," being a huge helper around the house and with Colby, and being an awesome big brother. We are so lucky that God blessed us with such amazing boys! We can't wait to see what you will do as you continue to grow! Happy 2nd Birthday Brody!!! We love you!!!
Please, please, please tell me young Brody will be planting some "dubs" on that ride soon...
Hi, Jason, Becca, and boys! This is Marilee, Jason's former dental hygienist and biggest fan! LOL You two have the most beautiful babies in the world, and I know the heart-wrenching rollercoaster feelings you must be experiencing with Colby's heart problems. But, I don't ever want the two of you to ever stop believing in the best and ALWAYS allowing time to just hold each other. It's okay to cry, scream, and feel helpless from time and time, but you MUST ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH!!!! Remember, when my Landon was born 21 years ago, the doctors said he didn't have enough brain to sustain his life, and he'd never live to see his first birthday! He had such horrible seizures for about 16 years where he'd just stop breathing, turn purple in color, and require mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. He made it through cranio-facial reconstructive surgery at age 1 that the doctors gave him only a 30% chance of surviving (0% chance of survival without surgery!), and many more surgeries that came throughout the years. We were told he'd never talk or walk, and today, he does both! Boy, does he TALK!!! I guess what I'm trying to say is that doctors read books and tell you what THEY know, but what's important is what GOD KNOWS AND HIS WILL FOR YOUR LITTLE BOY!!! You all have been and will continue to be in my prayers. You are an absolutely BEAUTIFUL family, and I'm so glad Joan sent me the link to your website. I will continue to go to your website and see the progress. May God bless you richly.....
Lots of love and prayers,
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